Understand what to expect on the Owner Dashboard
As an owner, the Owner Dashboard will be a helpful resource to monitor leases, financial reporting, and access helpful articles about your partnership with Texas Corporate Homes.
After logging in, you'll be able to navigate to your property (or properties), and can find all leases over time, starting with the latest one. We'll show the rate, rate frequency (monthly or nightly), start date, and expected end date. Since end dates change frequently due to extensions, we'll confirm if an end date is estimated or confirmed.
We'll notify you via email every time a new lease is started, when an end date changes, or when an end date moves from estimated to confirmed so you can have the latest information at all times.
Starting in January 2025, we'll be displaying financial data directly from our accounting platform in your owner dashboard. You'll see a ledger of all credits and debits for each property. For each rent credit received, you'll see that as a line item, with a reference of the tenant and date. For each debit, you'll see a description that corresponds with it. As an owner, you deserve 100% visibility into all income and expense line items for your property, and through the Owner Dashboard, we're able to deliver this visibility.
Keep in mind that accounting at this level is an intensive feat; as with any business we "close our books" within the first 1-2 weeks of the following month. We recommend waiting until the 2nd week of the month to review the past month's entries. As an example, on February 15th, you'll see all finalized line items from January 1st to January 31st for your property.
We'll also notify you when a deposit is made to your bank for rent payments, however financial reporting will be available only in the owner dashboard where a CSV can be downloaded anytime.
You'll also be able to submit any new homes for consideration for our owner program directly from the dashboard. Additionally, you may refer another owner to our program by submitting their information, or by sending them your unique referral link that you can easily copy from your dashboard. As a reminder, we pay a $500 referral fee for any home added to the Owner's Program.